Just like the game itself, scoring in indoor bowls is very simple. So let's take a quick look at how you score shots in indoor bowls. When an end has finished, the shots are added up to work out...
Posts by Paul
You may have only started bowling indoors within the last year or so and this summer you've heard players at your club mention and seen them playing in a competition called The Fantastic Fives. But...
You've just entered your first singles competition and as the home player you've been told you need to get a marker, but you are not sure why. So what does a marker do, and why do you need one? A...
As you start to play bowls you will hear people say things that you may not quite understand, but as a new player you are too embarrassed to ask your skip at that point in time. That's ok, some of us...
When and where are the World Indoor Bowls Championships held?
Bowls is like all other sports, in that it has a World Championships each year, where the very best players in the world battle it out in a knockout format. It's looked forward to every year, and...
Bowls has an image to the general public of being a past-time just for retired people. That's not helped when you see news on TV where they want an opinion from an elderly perspective and they report...